Binging With Babish — A Webseries About Recipes from Movies and Television

Posted on May 15, 2017 at 7:36 am

Binging With Babish is a cooking webseries with Andrew Rea creating the most luscious and delectable food dishes from movies and television.

Remember the Moistmaker from “Friends?”

And have you ever wanted one of Bob’s Burgers?

And how about some ratatouille from “Ratatouille?”

Bon Apetit!

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Shorts Television

A Festivus for the Rest of Us

Posted on December 23, 2009 at 12:40 pm

Seinfeld’s alternate December holiday has actual followers. There are even books about it. Its primary attraction seems to be that it is not Christmas, Hannukah, or Kwanzaa and that it is easy to observe. All you need is parties, grievance-airing, pole-erecting, beer-brewing and the invention of new Festivus rituals.

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Holidays Television
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