A New Television Series Explores Contemporary Issues in the Ten Commandments
Posted on January 15, 2014 at 8:00 am
WGN America and he Weinstein Company are joining together to produce “Ten Commandments,” a 10-part scripted series that with directors including Gus Van Sant, Lee Daniels, Jim Sheridan, Wes Craven and Michael Cera each taking on a different commandment and giving it a modern day interpretation. This sounds like an American version of Krzysztof Kieslowski’s The Decalogue. Looking forward to it!
Hag Sameach! Passover is not just about remembering the story of the Exodus from Egypt. It is about telling the story.
Thousands of years before people talked about “learning styles,” the Seder included many different ways of telling the story, so that everyone would be included, and everyone would feel the power of the journey toward freedom. The Haggadah makes the story come alive through taste, smell, and touch as well as sight and hearing, and through the example of the four sons it presents the story to the wise, the simple, the skeptic, and most especially to the young — one of the highlights of each Seder is when the youngest person present asks the traditional four questions, beginning with “Why is this night different from all other nights?”