The Latest from ‘The Watchmen’
Posted on February 21, 2009 at 6:00 pm
One of the most intriguing elements of the graphic novel is the excerpts from other documents that provide a glimpse into the story’s layered and fullly-imagined world. Warner Home Video is supplementing the feature film release with Watchmen: Tales of the Black Freighter & Under the Hood, exploring these elements of the book. “Tales of the Black Freighter” is an animated film version of the graphic novel’s richly layered story-within-a-story, a comic book pirate story read by a young man in New York City while the city is being destroyed. A marooned sailor’s story mirrors the events in the Watchmen’s world. “300’s” Gerard Butler provides voice talent. And we get one perspective on the origins of the Watchmen from Hollis Mason’s tell-all autobiography, “Under the Hood.”