In Honor of William and Kate: Royal Wedding

Posted on November 16, 2010 at 4:58 pm

Cheers to Prince William and his bride-to-be, Kate Middleton! Celebrate with a classic Fred Astaire musical that features glimpses of his grandparents’ wedding back in 1951.

Fred Astaire and Jane Powell play a brother-and-sister act (inspired by Astaire’s real-life vaudeville performances with his sister, Adele). They go to London to perform and both fall in love, her with handsome Peter Lawford and him with Sarah Churchill, in real life the daughter of the prime minister, Winston Churchill. It doesn’t have much of a plot, but it has some sensational musical numbers, including a dance with a coat rack (showing that he always makes his partner look graceful) and the famous number that has Astaire dancing on the walls and ceiling, along with brief shots of the wedding of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. We’ll get a feature film take on the queen as a little girl next month with “The King’s Speech,” based on her father’s struggles to learn to manage his stutter so that he could address his subjects on the radio.

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2 Replies to “In Honor of William and Kate: Royal Wedding”

  1. grandparents wedding? Next year my daughter will be the same age as I was when I watched Diana and Charles’ wedding at 2 am with my mom – we’ll probably stay up and watch Kate and William!

  2. So how many time do you think AMC or TNT will show this movie? I expect it this wedding will inspire the wedding industry in ways that have not been seen since 1981. Funny how American “royalty” wedding do not generate so much interest. We do love the fairy tale pomp and amjesty of it all. Camelot lives! (Lets hope the saga ends more happily)

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