Oz the Great and Powerful

Posted on March 7, 2013 at 6:00 pm

Lowest Recommended Age: 4th - 6th Grades
MPAA Rating: Rated PG for sequences of action and scary images and brief mild language
Profanity: Brief mild language
Alcohol/ Drugs: None
Violence/ Scariness: Fantasy action/peril/violence, scenes of desolation and loss, scary monsters and jump out at you surprises, some disturbing images
Diversity Issues: Diverse characters
Date Released to Theaters: March 8, 2013
Date Released to DVD: June 10, 2013
Amazon.com ASIN: B00C7JG0KG

A prequel to one of the most beloved films of all time is a daunting challenge, but Disney’s prequel to “The Wizard of Oz” manages to balance respect for the original with some fresh and appealing insights into the story. But the real star of the story is the enchanting, rapturously imagined setting, brilliantly designed by Bob Murawski and directed by Sam Raimi. From the captivating opening credit puppet theater, we are immediately in the world of magic and mystery — and hokum.

Like the 1939 Judy Garland classic, the movie opens in black-and-white.  The screen is shrunken to the proportions of the 1930’s. And, like the Garland version (but not the books), the characters and themes of Oz are echoed in the scenes set back home.  Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs, known as Oz for his first two initials, is a showman and a con man, a magician in a small traveling circus.  Personally and professionally, his life is about fooling as many people as possible.  He is constantly either trying to impress a pretty girl or trying to avoid any personal entanglements, romantic or friendship.

It is telling that his big trick is to select a pre-arranged “country girl” from the audience apparently at random, making her seem to float in the air, and then wait for the viewers to think they’ve figured out the trick by noticing the wires that appear to keep her suspended.  This makes possible the dramatic flourish — he cuts the wires to reveal that he has not just made her float — he has made her disappear.  Oz is eternally poised on the brink between reality and illusion, between connection and distance, between appearing (no one is more visible than those whose profession is to perform in public) and disappearing (he always seems to have a means of escape handy).  At the same time, the “country girl” is discovering that he lied to her, the circus strong man is coming after him for flirting with his wife, and he receives a visit from the only woman we sense he has ever really cared for (Michelle Williams), who asks him if there is any reason she should turn down a proposal from another man.  He tells her to accept, though it is clear that he has some regrets.  And then, he does what he does best — he escapes, jumping into the circus hot air balloon, which is whipped into a twister, and which deposits him in a strange and wondrous land of lush and vivid color — Oz.

The first creatures he meets are nasty little water fairies with big teeth and a stunningly beautiful woman with a splendid brimmed hat named Theodora (Mila Kunis).  She seems to think that he is the wizard from a prophecy — a man with the same name as their enchanted land, who would arrive to rule as king and free their people.  Freeing the people does not have much appeal for Oz, but he is definitely intrigued by the notion of a palace, a throne, and a scepter.  “Is the scepter made of gold?” he asks, to make sure that this deal is as sweet as it sounds.

We know that Oz will be come the wizard and live in the palace.  We know he will become “a good man but a bad wizard,” hiding behind the curtain as he works the controls of a huge face with a booming voice.  We know he will bestow gifts that show people the greatness that is already within them.  And we know he will have to take a journey to get there.  Writers Mitchell Kapner and Pulitzer Prize awardee David Lindsay-Abaire (“Rabbit Hole“) weave in characters and themes inspired by some of the other Oz books as well, including a girl made out of porcelain, rescued from her shattered “China Town.”  Oz meets up with two other witches as well, including one who has a very bad reaction to moisture.  And he is not the only one who has to decide which side he will be on.

The visuals are fabulously imaginative, consistently surprising and new and yet consistent with our ideas about Oz from the books and the 1939 film.  That’s consistent but not identical — Disney had to be careful not to get too close to MGM’s copyrighted designs.  So there are flying monkeys, but very different (and even scarier), a poppy field, and an Emerald City gatekeeper (who will be familiar to fans of Sam Raimi’s less family-friendly films).  The 3d effects are effective, especially during the twister.  Franco’s characterization wavers at times and he never quite persuades us that he is at heart a showman.  The big reveal about what prompts a witch to turn evil is disappointingly under-imagined.  Indeed, for a movie with three significant female characters played by three of Hollywood’s most talented women and the China Girl (voiced by Joey King), the film’s conception of women is unfortunately superficial, simplistic, and male-oriented.  It is an enchanting journey — but at the end you may wish to click your heels three times to return to the peerless Garland version and the books.  There’s no place like home.

Parents should know that this film includes extended fantasy peril, action, and violence, with scenes of devastation and loss, jump out at you surprises, and scary monsters, some disturbing images, brief mild language, a character who makes advances at many women, and scenes of jealousy, anger, and sadness.

Family discussion: What is the difference between being a great and a good person?  Why did Glinda believe in Oz?  How did the characters in the prologue relate to their counterparts in Oz?  What elements of the classic Oz story are explained in this film?

If you like this, try: the Oz books by L. Frank Baum, and the classic film with Judy Garland

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3D Action/Adventure Based on a book DVD/Blu-Ray Pick of the Week Fantasy Series/Sequel

Comic-Con: “Oz the Great and Powerful”

Posted on July 13, 2012 at 10:47 am

I am sure that somewhere in the world there were people who were looking at great works of art and somewhere else people were enjoying magnificent natural vistas and exquisite flowers but I assure you that no one saw anything more beautiful than I did yesterday as I sat just a few feet across from Mila Kunis and Michelle Williams, the stars of the 2013 release “Oz the Great and Powerful.”  Their charm and looks make them pretty but their graciousness and dedication to their art and their audience makes them truly lovely.

Producer Joe Roth and director Sam Raimi sat on either side of the actresses to tell us about the film, a prequel to the story we all know, based on the book by “Wizard of Oz” author L. Frank Baum that tells us how the “humbug” got from Kansas to Oz and came to live in the Emerald City.  Mila Kunis plays the witch who will become known as the Wicked Witch of the West, and Michelle Williams plays Glinda.

One luxury they all appreciated was the chance to minimize the use of green screen effects.  Kunis spoke of the dazzling designs and the pleasure of working in a “fully furnished” environment.  Roth described  seven huge sets built in a Detroit filming facility, each twice the size of the typical Hollywood space.

Kunis told us that when she first moved to the United States from Ukraine as a little girl, “The Wizard of Oz was one of the first films she loved, and so her parents gave her the Baum books to help her learn English.  Raimi, the director of horror films and the “Spider-Man” trilogy, spoke with feeling about how much it meant to him to make a film with so much emphasis on the way the characters change and what they learn.  This is his first 3D film, so he had a learning curve about the way the technology affects editing and composition.  “There’s a whole different language of cutting.”

He also told us about the patience the film required because his stars had other commitments — Kunis was filming “Ted,” Williams was promoting “My Week with Marilyn,” Rachel Weisz was making the new “Bourne” movie, and title star James Franco was “off getting another degree.”  Franco himself had learned and grown since he and Raimi worked together on the “Spider-Man” films.  Now that he has also been a director, he has more “openness, collaboration, patience, more of a sense of what goes into a shot.”

They did not have the rights to the iconic images we all know so well from the MGM film and in any event, their plan was to “nod lovingly toward it and make our own story” set in “the whimsical nature of Baum’s great world” and characters who struggle and learn and deal with the consequences of their choices.




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Friends With Benefits

Posted on July 22, 2011 at 6:45 pm

“Shut up, Katherine Heigl,” says our heroine, as she passes by a wall of posters for another fungible romantic comedy that should be sued for deceptive advertising.  Jamie (Mila Kunis) is an executive recruiter who wants to believe in love but has had a series of relationships with guys who took her heart and stomped that sucker flat. Dylan (Justin Timberlake) is the hotshot design guy she recruited to move from a web job in California to GQ in New York.  While Jamie wants intimacy too much, Dylan wants to avoid it.

And while we all want a good, old-fashioned (but not too old-fashioned) date movie romantic comedy, we don’t want the same old Jennifers and Jessicas getting into the same old situations.  The problem is that it is harder and harder to find reasons for keeping the couple that the audience knows is destined to be together from having sex for a whole 100 minutes.  And so we get the second movie in seven months that tries to turn the usual story upside down.  Let’s let them have sex right away but then learn how much they love each other.  It works better here than in No Strings Attached because it has a cleverer script and better chemistry.  There’s a terrific beginning as we see Jamie and Dylan on the phone with her waiting in front of a theater and him explaining that he isn’t really late.  We think they’re talking to each other when it turns out they’re on opposite sides of the country and both about to be dumped (great cameos by Andy Samberg and Emma Stone).  So Dylan is recruited by Jamie for the GQ job and as she sells him on New York, complete with a flash mob in Times Square, they have the rhythms of a couple who are destined to be together.  But in the immutable laws of movie romance, both must learn important lessons (and look gorgeous while doing so) before they figure that out.  So they decide to have sex as friends without becoming boyfriend and girlfriend.

It’s a movie with a couple of references to “Seinfeld,” but apparently everyone missed the 1991 episode called “The Deal,” in which long-time exes-turned friends Elaine and Jerry decide they can have sex without an emotional attachment or romance.   It doesn’t work, and there is something a bit off-putting about characters who think it can.  Elaine and Jerry were famously “no learning, no hugging” people who were hilariously superficial and self-involved.  But Jamie and Dylan are supposed to get us on their side and talking and behaving like people for whom sex does not mean anything creates a hurdle we have difficulty getting over.  While the film avoids some of the pitfalls of the romantic comedy formula, it falls into others, with sketchily-drawn back-stories and distracting detours like an un-funny part for Shaun White and a silly repeated joke about whether pilots are important in landing a plane.  Kunis and Timberlake are as great on screen as individuals and as a team and there are some funny and entertaining moments, especially when Dylan explains his childhood affection for Kris Kross.  Ultimately, though, it is as formulaic as the movie-within-a-movie they watch together.  That one stars Jason Segal and Rashida Jones and has a sly dig to the fake NY locations filmed in LA and some outtakes over the end credits.  It — or something just like it — should be in theaters soon.


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Comedy Romance
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