List: Earth Day Movies

List: Earth Day Movies

Posted on April 21, 2011 at 2:00 pm

In addition to previously recommended Earth Day movies, take a look at these gorgeous documentaries about the creatures with whom we share this great planet:

1. March of the Penguins This worldwide sensation takes us to Antarctica, where these elegant birds triumph over brutal cold to protect their fragile eggs and tender chicks.

2. Meerkat Manor The ultimate reality show, this meerkat community has avid followers who mourned the passing of matriarch Flower.

3. Winged Migration Soar with the birds in this breathtaking film.

4. Microcosmos The tiny creatures of the insect world are explored in mesmerizing close-up.

5. Growing Up Wild, Vol. 1: Amazing Baby Animals Even the littlest children will be captivated by these adorable baby animals.

Jennifer Merin has a great list of Earth Day documentaries, too.

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Documentary Environment/Green Lists

Big Sale on National Geograpic DVDs

Posted on February 15, 2011 at 10:28 am

National Geographic is having an amazing sale on their outstanding series of DVDs, with prices as low as $3.95 for “March of the Penguins” and $5.95 for “The Dog Whisperer.” It’s for a limited time only. Be sure to check it out!

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Documentary Elementary School Movie Mom’s Top Picks for Families Teenagers


Posted on October 19, 2010 at 8:00 am

Forget about “Star Wars” and “Aliens” — there are creatures living beneath the waves on this very planet that are far weirder and more exotic than anything Hollywood has conjured up.
Huge, swooping creatures with bright speckles; shape transforming beasts that pounce and gobble up crabs; gelatinous monsters that glow; all this and more is captured in “Oceans,” from Disneynature.
The documentary is accompanied by a narration by Pierce Brosnan which sometimes gets overly flowery, but at its best adds an element of poetry to help young audiences understand that there is a larger significance to the images they are seeing. “Oceans” also offers a message of concern about pollution and the environment (appropriate for its Earth Day release). But the star of “Oceans” is clearly not the words but the pictures, and they are worth the price of admission many times over.
Scenes of the predatory side of ocean life are kept to a minimum, and are usually shot from a tasteful distance. There are cute moments — a sea otter floating on it back in the sunshine at Monterey bay keeps a rock on its stomach, to use in cracking open the shellfish it gobbles up– and tender moments– an ugly mother walrus sweetly nuzzles her even uglier baby walrus, or a mother seal coaxing her baby into the water for the first time. The cameras of directors/writers Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud do a good job of conveying the vast range of the ocean, by contrasting the powerful crashing of immense waves in a storm with quiet glimpses of delicate life forms suspended in the tranquil depths; they contrast huge whales with tiny one celled creatures.


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Documentary Environment/Green For the Whole Family
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