Oscar Quiz
Posted on February 28, 2016 at 3:14 pm
Get ready for Oscar night with an Oscar trivia quiz!
1. What Oscar-winning director is the son and father of Oscar-winning performers and what was his connection to their award-winning films?
2. What was the first film to win all five top awards: Best Picture, Actor, Actress, Director, and Screenplay? (Extra credit if you can name the only other two films to sweep these categories.)

3. Who tied for Best Actress in 1969?
4. Who was speaking when a streaker interrupted the Oscar broadcast in 1974?
5. Who mangled the name of singer/actress Idina Menzel in 2014?
6. Which Best Actor winner swept presenter Halle Berry off her feet with a passionate kiss?
7. Who is the only person named Oscar to actually win an Oscar?
8. What was special about the special Oscar awarded to Walt Disney for “Snow White?”
9. Who was the first (and so far, only) woman to win the Best Director Oscar?
10. What is unusual about two-time Best Editing Oscar nominee Roderick Jaynes?