Contest: The Best of Jack Hanna

Posted on December 26, 2013 at 3:59 pm

jack hannaThe Best of Jack Hanna follows America’s most beloved animal adventurer and his family as he spends time with nature’s creatures across the continents, over the years, and through two different TV shows. This collector’s edition package includes 30 episodes from Jack Hanna’s Into the Wild, which has garnered 6 Daytime Emmy Nominations and 3 wins to date, plus 30 episodes from Jack Hanna’s Animal Adventures. Each episode provides insight into the protection and conservation of some of our planet’s most precious animals and endangered species. The Best of Jack Hanna takes you on an action-packed journey, leaving you with a renewed appreciation for all creatures, great and small.

I have a copy to give away! Send me an email at with Hanna in the subject line and tell me what country you’d like to visit to see exotic animals. Don’t forget your address! (US addresses only). I’ll pick a winner at random on December 31, 2013. Good luck!

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