The Top 10 Jewish Movie Characters from Esther Kustanowitz
Posted on January 11, 2009 at 8:00 am
Esther Kustanowitz posted her list of the top 10 Jewish movie characters on Idol Chatter. Some are a bit of a stretch — Obi-Wan Kenobi? Melanie Griffith in “A Stranger Among Us?” Aside from the fact that she is only pretending to be a Jew in that film, some people consider that and her performance as a Jew the same year in “Shining Through” to be, well, a shonda (embarrassment to the community).
I would add to this list: Judd Hirsch as the sympathetic psychiatrist in Ordinary People, Meryl Streep as a sympathetic psychiatrist in Prime
and as a Holocaust survivor in Sophie’s Choice
and as a high-strung food writer in Heartburn
, Barbra Streisand as a sympathetic psychiatrist (is there a pattern here?) in The Prince of Tides
and as musical comedy star Fanny Brice in Funny Girl
(plus Omar Sharif as Nicky Arnstein), Carol Kane as a turn of the century immigrant in Hester Street
, Brendan Fraser as the only Jew in the fancy prep school in School Ties
, Robin Williams as a club owner named Goldman — or is it Coleman? — in The Birdcage
, George Segal as a Jewish cop (and Eileen Heckert as his mother) in No Way to Treat a Lady
, Ben Kingsley as a Holocaust survivor in Schindler’s List
, Ben Cross as an Olympic athlete in Chariots of Fire
, Jessica Tandy as a Southern aristocrat in Driving Miss Daisy
, Dustin Hoffman as Carl Bernstein in All the President’s Men
, Jennifer Gray as Baby who will NOT be put in a corner in Dirty Dancing
, and Woody Allen in just about anything.
Though the argument against him being “great” can be made, I expect the biggest (and certainly most orange) Jewish character is “The Thing”, Ben Grimm from the Fantastic Four. There are a few other Jewish superheroes, and ther eis a website (the link of which I have long since lost) that lists the various characters and their religious affiliations or leanings.
Ben Grimm is certainly great! Though I think his character is more fully developed in the comic books than the movies. And thanks for suggesting the wonderful religions of superheroes website!