Madame Web

Madame Web

Posted on February 13, 2024 at 7:06 pm

Lowest Recommended Age: High School
MPAA Rating: Rated PG-13 for violence/action and language
Profanity: Some strong language
Alcohol/ Drugs: Some social drinking
Violence/ Scariness: Extended comic book/action style peril and violence, crashes, explosions, poison, guns, fire, some disturbing images
Diversity Issues: Diverse characters
Copyright Sony 2024

When EMT Cassie Webb (Dakota Johnson) introduces her colleague as Ben Parker (Adam Scott) as Ben Parker, your spidey sense better be tingling or this movie is going to be a slog. Not that this origin story of Marvel superhero Madame Web is just another Spider-Man variation. It’s way different. Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider, and Madame Web is bitten by a natural but imaginary with magic powers spider. Got it?

Cassie (short for Cassandra, which should tingle your spidey-sense, too) is a loner. Once she delivers a patient to the hospital, She cares very much for Ben Parker and for their boss, O’Neil (the always instantly-appealing Mike Epps) but she does not want to spend much time with anyone outside of work. Cassie’s mother died in Peru, where she was researching a rare species of spider with peptides that could have healing powers for humans, and Cassie, who grew up in foster care, has always felt abandoned, even rejected, by the mother who was so reckless in exploring the wilds of South America when she was eight months pregnant.

We know there is more to the story than that. We saw her mother (Kerry Bishe), betrayed by her assistant, Ezekiel Sims (Tahar Rahim), shoot her and steal the spider she has worked so hard to find. As she dies, a member of a spider-enhanced tribe thought by most people to be a legend appears, and he is able to deliver her baby before she dies.


Cassie and Ben rescue a man from an overturned car hanging over the side of a bridge, but the car flips into the water with Cassie inside. Ben rescues her, but while under water her heart stopped, and the experience has triggered in her a power it will take a while for her to understand; she can see a few moments into the future, enough for her to make a difference and prevent disaster.

Meanwhile, Sims is having his own visions of the future, where he will be murdered by three young women with spidery superpowers. He is determined to prevent this by killing them, when they are still teenagers. He gets access to government databases and cameras and hires tech whiz and morally bankrupt Amaria (Zosia Mamet in a thankless role that consists of peering intently into screens and saying yes to Sims’ demands) to find the girls. She does get to wear elegant necklaces while she’s doing it, though.

Somehow, Cassie and the three girls, who do not know each other, end up on the same train and when Cassie sees visions of Sims killing them she gets them off the train and away from him. Keeping them away from him takes up most of the rest of the movie and unsurprisingly that means chases and explosions and at least two vehicles crashing through buildings. The girls are played by the exceptionally talented and sadly underused Isabela Merced, Sydney Sweeny, and Celeste O’Connor.

It’s not an awful movie but it is not very good. The origin story spends too much time on the origin, with Cassie getting used to her powers, which involves a detour to Peru that slows down the pacing. What we really want is more time with Cassie and the girls. If it’s going to be an origin story, let’s get their origins, too. There’s an irresponsibility and lack of even the most limited consequences to the mayhem that goes beyond the usual suspension of disbelief we grant a comic book movie. The dialogue is pedestrian, occasionally laughable, and the references to the Spider-Man universe or one of the Spider-Man universes are clumsy. And what should be the strongest part of any superhero movie, the villain, here is the weakest. Sims, who at times sounds like his dialogue has been dubbed by someone else, is just not that interesting. If you could see ahead like Madame Web, you might fix your future by waiting to see this on streaming.

Parents should know that this movie has extended comic book-style peril and violence with guns, poison, chases, crashes, fire, and explosions. Characters use some strong language and there are sexual references and situations as well as two scenes of childbirth or labor.

Family discussion: How did what Cassie learned about her mother change the way she thought about herself? What did Julia, Anya, and Mattie have in common? What superpower would you like to have?

If you like this, try: the “Spider-Man” movies and the Madame Web comics

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Action/Adventure Comic book/Comic Strip/Graphic Novel movie review Movies -- format Movies -- Reviews Superhero
Lisa Frankenstein

Lisa Frankenstein

Posted on February 8, 2024 at 12:43 pm

Lowest Recommended Age: Mature High Schooler
MPAA Rating: Rated PG-13 for violent content, sexual assault|, language, bloody Images, sexual material, teen drinking, and drug content
Profanity: Very strong language
Alcohol/ Drugs: Teen drinking and drug use
Violence/ Scariness: Extended peril and violence, characters brutally killed, character sees her mother killed by an ax murderer, re-animated corpse, mutilation, murder
Diversity Issues: None
Lisa Frankenstein Copyright 2024 Focus

An uneven mash-up of 80s teen comedy and horror wisely relies on the terrific Kathryn Newton as the title character, a high school girl whose mother was hacked to death by an ax murderer. Her father quickly remarried and they have moved in with her new stepmother, Janet (Carla Gugino), and step-sister, Taffy (Liza Soberano), a sunny-spirited cheerleader.

Screenwriter Diablo Cody famously began her film, “Jennifer’s Body,” with Amanda Seyfried saying, “Hell is a teenage girl.” That is the theme of that film, this film, and even her sweet, beloved screenplay for “Juno.” “Lisa Frankenstein’s” best moments are the ones that play off of the idea that horror and high school are a lot closer than we like to admit. So when Lisa falls for a re-animated corpse of a 19th century musician who died young, she matter-of-factly explains to him that Taffy told her it’s a mistake to try to change a boy, so she is just going to accept him the way he is, rotted, foul-smelling flesh and all.

Well, she does clean him off. When he first staggers into her house, covered with mud from the grave, he looks like a golem. And he does not speak. Cole Sprouse plays a character who is just identified in the credits as “the Creature” (an allusion, like the title, to the original Frankenstein story — remember, Frankenstein is the doctor, not the monster). He worked with a mime to make his non-verbal character as expressive as possible. Once the mud is washed off, as he becomes physically and emotionally re-connected to the world of the living, he gives us a sense of who he was and what he is feeling.

Newton, who memorably starred in the body-switching horror comedy “Freaky,” playing a high school girl whose body is occupied by the 6’5″ deranged serial killed played by Vince Vaughn, brings just the right tone to Lisa, who begins the story still shell-shocked from the loss of her mother and her new home with the superficially welcoming Janet and the just plain superficial Taffy. She finds it comforting to visit the abandoned cemetery in the woods, and that is where she see the grave of the Creature, with the handsome bust on the headstone. She whispers that she wishes she was with him, and somehow that calls him to her. Luckily, her after-school job doing repairs in a dry cleaning ship has given her sewing skills that will come in handy when it turns out the Creature needs some replacement body parts.

Williams relies too heavily on 80s references to make her points. Those who did not come of age in that era will not have the instant emotional connection (or laugh) she is hoping for. The opening credits are a witty mash-up of 80s-era Lisa Frank designs and Victorian silhouette animation. It is a lot of fun to see Newton as Lisa become confident and brave, rocking those 80s, Madonna-influenced outfits, the 80s songs still hold up, and it is entertaining to see some switch-ups on the usual rom-com tropes. It’s the Creature who gets the trying-on-clothes sequence, for example. First-time feature director Zelda Williams (the daughter of Robin Williams) has some strong ideas but the tone wobbles when it tries to straddle.

Parents should know that this is a horror movie and many characters are murdered in a gory manner. It includes sexual references and teen partying.

Family discussion: What 80s touches are most important in this movie? Why was Lisa so drawn to the abandoned cemetery? What do you like best about horror movies?

If you like this, try: “Freaky” and “Young Frankenstein”

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Family Issues Fantasy Horror movie review Movies -- format Movies -- Reviews Romance Stories about Teens Thriller
The Underdoggs

The Underdoggs

Posted on January 25, 2024 at 8:50 pm

Lowest Recommended Age: Mature High Schooler
MPAA Rating: Rated R for pervasive language, sexual references, drug use, and some underage drinking
Profanity: Constant very strong and vulgar language
Alcohol/ Drugs: Marijuana and alcohol, including children getting drunk
Violence/ Scariness: Some peril
Diversity Issues: A theme of the movie

Normally, seeing kids use bad language does not make me laugh, not because I am offended but because it is just lazy. So I’m not proud of it, but I admit that “The Underdogs” made me laugh, not because kids use four-letter words or because star and producer Snoop Dogg does, but because it was about more than the shock value. No one will ever call Snoop an actor –he can barely focus on playing a character designed to be as much like his off-camera persona as possible — but he is an able performer and this basic underdog story benefits from being so evidently dear to his heart. We learn from end credits sequence that Snoop created a real-life football program for kids. And we learn from the pre-movie warning that the movie has strong language “that may not be suitable for children” and then goes on to say, in very colorful terms, to disregard that because kids who are not supposed to be watching this….stuff… curse more than the rest of us…..explitives. Those two bookends set the scene.

Snoop plays Jaycen, known as Two Js, a selfish and arrogant former star football player who now spends his days rattling around his gigantic mansion, smoking weed, and getting into trouble. A judge (Kandi Burruss) offers him community service coaching a kids’ football team and he refuses. He does not want anything to do with kid or, really anyone else. So he is given clean-up duty instead, with an orange vest and a pole for picking up dog poop.

And who should be at that location but a scrappy little team of, say it with me, underdogs. And, what a coincidence, who should be the mother of one of those kids but Jaycen’s high school girlfriend, Cherise (the always-appealing Tika Sumpter). She gives Jaycen something the judge did not, a reason to at least pretend to be someone who cares about something other than himself. It is still pretending, of course, but we all know where this is going, as do the characters, who have all seen “The Mighty Ducks” and probably countless other movies about scrappy underdog sports teams with reluctant coaches who grudgingly realize they want to to be the person the team needs them to be.

Trailer for The UnderDoggs

It’s no one’s idea of a classic, or even of being what you might call “good,” but it is an easy watch that stays out of its own way. Mike Epps shows up as Jaycen’s old friend, Kareem, a hustler and sometime carjacker, who moves in and talks his way into a spot as assistant coach. The kids on the team are the basic Smurf-types, each one getting one attribute — quiet, mouthy, butterfingers, etc. Snoop has good chemistry with the kids, though, and they are tougher than he is, which helps keep things moving. George Lopez shows up as Jaycen’s high school coach, reminding us of the difference it can make in a child’s life to have an adult who cares.

The film meanders back and forth between the kids’ underdog team formula and occasional meta-commentary on the classic tropes of the genre, but either way it is enjoying itself so much it is impossible not to go with it.

Parents should know that this movie is raunchy and vulgar. Characters, including children, use constant strong and graphic language with many insults. A child character’s nickname is a coarse word for a female body part. Characters smoke weed and drink and children get drunk and throw up. There is some potty humor. A character is careless with a gun but no one gets hurt.

Family discussion: What made Double J decide to take coaching seriously? What makes a good coach? Is it true that we want to see successful people fail?

If you like this, try: “The Mighty Ducks” and “The Bad News Bears”

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Comedy movie review Movies -- format Movies -- Reviews Sports Stories About Kids
Happy 2024!  Movies We’re Looking Forward To

Happy 2024! Movies We’re Looking Forward To

Posted on December 31, 2023 at 8:00 am

Happy new year! I’m sending all best wishes for health and happiness for everyone who visits me here. You are all most welcome and most appreciated.

As usual, we have a lot to look forward to from Hollywood, as it comes roaring back from the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. We can expect the usual book adaptations and sequels — we know about them now because they get announced earlier. But as always, there will be some surprises and a year from now, there will be films and writers, directors, and performers so much a part of our culture we cannot believe we did not know them already in 2023. Here’s some of what we know about what to expect.


Just as we had last week with “The Color Purple,” we have a movie musical based on a Broadway show based on a beloved movie. This time, it’s Tina Fey’s “Mean Girls,” updated for a new generation. I’m pretty sure, though, that fetch still is not going to happen.

Two of the biggest action movies of 2023 were titled as “Part 1.” So we expect the new “Fast and Furious” and “Mission Impossible” films to be just as thrilling as their first chapters. We also expect that these “final” chapters might not be the last we will see of these characters

Copyright 2023 Warner Brothers

“Dune 2” continues the saga of Frank Herbert’s acclaimed bestseller with returning and new stars, including Oscar nominee Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson, Josh Brolin, Austin Butler (“Elvis”), Florence Pugh, Dave Bautista, Oscar winner Christopher Walken, Léa Seydoux, Souheila Yacoub, Stellan Skarsgård, Charlotte Rampling, and Javier Bardem.

“KUng Fu Panda 4” The animated series continues with Jack Black as the big-hearted panda martial artist.

“Ballerina” is a character from the “John Wick” universe, meaning she’s an assassin, played by Ana de Armas.

“Bad Boys 4” brings back Martin Lawrence and Will Smith. Shouldn’t they be bad men by now?

“Despicable Me 4” — still despicable?

“Deadpool 3” and yes, Wolverine is in it, along with “The Crown’s” Emma Corbin.

“The Karate Kid” brings back at least some of the original cast, with Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan returning.

“Beetlejuice 2” brings back director Tim Burton and our favorite ghost/demon, still played by Michael Keaton, with a now-grown Winona Ryder. Catherine O’Hara is back, too. Which Harry Belafonte song will she dance to this time?

“Twisters” is somehow connected to the Helen Hunt/Bill Paxton movie with the flying cow, but will have all new characters played by Daisy Edgar-Jones, Glen Powell, and Anthony Ramos.

Copyright 2023 Disney Pixar

“Inside Out 2” takes our beloved Riley one step further into the increasingly complicated world of college life. So, the entry of a new character in her emotions line-up, Anxiety, played by Maya Hawke.

“The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim” is a prequel, taking place almost centuries before the events of “The Two Towers.” So expect new characters and cast, except for Miranda Otto as Eowyn.

“Mufasa: The Lion King” is another origin story, the background on Mufasa and his brother. What makes this one intriguing is that the person behind it is director Barry Jenkins of “Moonlight” and “If Beale Street Could Talk.”

“Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” is the I forget what number in the series. But if people keep going, they’ll keep making them.

“Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire” brings the new and original Ghostbusters together to save the world.

“Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga” gives us the origin story of the character played by Charlize Theron in “Fury Road.” George Miller returns as director and Chris Hemsworth co-stars.

“Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire” — the title says it all.

“Sonic the Hedgehog 3” — the title says it all.

“Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F” four decades after the original, has Eddie Murphy and his pals played by John Ashton and Judge Reinhold, and Bronson Pinchot as Serge (pronounced Saaaaarge), along with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and “Zola’s” Taylour Paige.

“The Fall Guy” may not sound promising, an update of an all-but-forgotten 80s television series with Lee Majors as a stunt man/bounty hunter. But if I tell you it stars Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt and “Ted Lasso’s” Hannah Waddingham, and is directed by John Wick’s David Leitch, you are likely to be as excited as I am.

It’s not a explicitly a sequel or a remake, but Matthew Vaughn’s “Argyle” looks very much in the same spirit as his “Kingsmen” films, meaning edgy but wildly entertaining action.


“Madam Web” stars Dakota Johnson as Spider-Man’s buddy.

“Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse” has a high bar to reach given the brilliance of the first two, but I am confident they will continue to astonish and impress.

And even some originals:

“Which Brings You to Me” is an unusual romance. The usual part is when two people (played by Nat Wolff and Lucy Hale) with messy lives meet at a wedding and have an impulsive sexual encounter. What makes it different is what happens when they start to tell each other about their past relationships.

“IF” stands for Imaginary Friend. Writer/director John Krasinski has created a story about a man (Ryan Reynolds) who can see people’s imaginary friends.

“Ordinary Angels” has double-Oscar winner Hillary Swank in a fact-based story of an unlikely hero, a hairdresser with a chaotic life who decides to help a family she’s never met. This seems similar to her under-appreciated, also fact-based role in “Conviction,” which has me hopeful.

“Hit Man” stars up-and-coming Glen Powell as professor who pretends to be a hit man, from versatile and always-interesting Richard Linklater. Note: Powell’s first major role was in one of Linklater’s best, “Everybody Wants Some!!!”

“A Different Man” asks questions about identity and purpose, with Sebastian Stan as an actor who drastically changes his appearance only to then lose out on the role that would have been perfect for him before the change.

“Girls State” is a documentary follow-up to the acclaimed “Boys State,” about the program for teenagers interested in politics.

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In Production Trailers, Previews, and Clips
The Color Purple

The Color Purple

Posted on December 24, 2023 at 5:04 pm

Lowest Recommended Age: High School
MPAA Rating: Rated PG-13 for mature thematic content, sexual content, violence and language
Profanity: Strong and racist language
Alcohol/ Drugs: Drinking and drunkenness
Violence/ Scariness: Domestic violence, attack, character beaten by police
Diversity Issues: A theme of the movie
Date Released to Theaters: December 25, 2023

Copyright Warner Brothers 2023
Alice Walker’s novel, The Color Purple is the acclaimed, Pulitzer Prize-winning story of Celie, a young Black woman in the rural Georgia of the early 1900s. Through her letters, written to her sister Nettie, we learned the story of her horrific abuse, told in the simple language of someone who had no education and little sense that she deserved better.

The book was made into a dramatic film directed by Stephen Spielberg, with Whoopi Goldberg as Celie and Oprah Winfrey as Sofia, who becomes Celie’s step-daughter-in-law. It then became a successful Broadway musical with music and lyrics by Brenda Russell, Allee Willis, and Stephen Bray, and a book by Marsha Norman. “American Idol” favorite Fantasia Barrino was a replacement Celie and Danielle Brooks played Sofia.

And now it is a movie again, with Barrino and Books repeating their Broadway roles. This version is unexpectedly joyous and heartwarming. That is in large part thanks to director Blitz Bazawule, who shows us the characters’ strengths with the musical numbers before the storyline does. It is also thanks to the raise-the-roof, powerhouse performances from Barrino, Brooks, and Henspn, any one of which would blow the doors of of a theater, and all three together lift our spirits like a gospel choir. Every note is pure and thrilling. Every one is a revelation. Henson has the showiest part and she brings her endless movie star charisma to Shug the performer. But she also brings infinite compassion and gentleness to the intimate moments. Any lesser performer might make us question why someone as flamboyant and apparently hedonistic as Shug would find what no one else in Georgia seems to see in Celie. But Henson makes us understand why she gives Celie two things she has never had before, respect and a sense that she is worthy of love. She makes Shug another character who has made choices for her own survival but maintains a core of warmth.

Brooks is bursting with life force as Sofia, until her insistence on respect from others brings her devastating repercussions from the only white characters we see in the film. We learn from her story about abuse from outside that creates ripple effects in their community. We also see with Mister’s relationship with his father, how abuse is passed on through generations. And, with his son (Corey Hawkins), how healing through generations is also possible.

Phylicia Pearl Mpasi as young Celie and Halle Bailey (“The Little Mermaid”) as the her sister Nettie show us that having one person care is enough to make a difference. Mister throws Nettie out and she leaves with a missionary family for Africa and their separation is more devastating to Celie than her abuse by Mister, again underscoring the critical importance of a sustaining relationship.

The movie is frank about Celie’s abuse, including repeated rape by the man she believes is her father and then by the man her father sells her to, known to her only as Mister. But this version is more about Celie’s growing understanding of her own power, including the power of forgiveness. We also see other characters show resilience, generosity, and remorse. If the conclusion, as in the book and the previous movie, seems to tie things up a little too quickly, by that time we are so happy for Celie and so moved by the music we are fine with it.

Parents should know that this movie includes extreme abuse of a very young woman including rape and battery and having her children taken away. The film also includes misogynistic and racist attacks, a character beat up by police, betrayal, drinking and drunkenness, and strong language.

Family discussion: What are the events that make Celie understand that she could say no and that she deserved better? Why did Shug see more in Celie than anyone else? What made Mister change his mind?

If you like this, try: the book and the Spielberg movie

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Based on a book Based on a play Drama Epic/Historical Family Issues movie review Movies -- format Movies -- Reviews Musical Race and Diversity
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