Taylor Swift Shakes it Off

Posted on August 22, 2014 at 3:54 pm

Taylor Swift, who can be seen in “The Giver,” debuts her first pop album with this adorable video.

There have been some online discussions about whether Swift is racially insensitive or even racist.  That is a subjective assessment viewers will have to make for themselves.

Director Mark Romanek says

We simply choose styles of dance that we thought would be popular and amusing and cast the best dancers that were presented to us without much regard to race or ethnicity. If you look at it carefully, it’s a massively inclusive piece. It’s very, very innocently and positively intentioned. And — let’s remember — it’s a satirical piece. It’s playing with a whole range of music-video tropes and clichés and stereotypes.


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Music Shorts

Colbie Caillat’s Wonderful New Video

Posted on July 12, 2014 at 4:43 pm

The video for Colbie Caillat’s new song, “Try,” from Gypsy Heart Side A, shows her struggle to be true to herself in a world that expects women, especially performers, to conform to a narrow and highly polished idea of beauty. Watch it — and show it to your daughters.

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