Raffi’s New Songs About the Climate/Environment

Raffi’s New Songs About the Climate/Environment

Posted on August 26, 2019 at 8:15 pm

Raffi has been making families happy with his wonderful songs so long that today’s parents can remember singing along with Raffi with their own parents, probably songs like “Baby Beluga” and “Going to the Zoo.”

Copyright Raffi 2019

His two new songs address his concerns about climate change in a tuneful, frank but hopeful way. “Young People Marching” is a tribute to Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish climate activist who inspired climate marches by young people around the world. The song begins with her trademark clarity: “There is no middle ground when it comes to the climate and ecological emergency!”

“Do We Love Enough” is a melodic ballad that asks some tough but essential questions that we now face. “With our future in jeopardy … how can the kids dream and plan? … Will we do enough?”

These powerful songs mark an evolution in Raffi’s decades long advocacy for children and the Earth, and in the call for climate action heard in his 2007 song “Cool It.”

In a 2017 essay for NBC news, Raffi wrote, “Kids born today will face unprecedented global crises within their lifetimes, including the possible collapse of fisheries, accelerated mass extinctions, decimation of coral reefs and rising sea levels… Finding a remedy for our species is a matter of survival.”

Once called “the most popular children’s singer in the English-speaking world” (Washington Post) and “Canada’s all-time children’s champion” (Toronto Star), pioneering troubadour Raffi has spent more than four decades delighting successive generations of kids–and their parents– with his playful personality and timeless songs. In that time, he has recorded numerous gold and platinum albums and performed countless sold-out concerts.
Raffi has refused all commercial endorsement offers and has never advertised to children, a distinction for which he received the Fred Rogers Integrity Award. His non-profit Raffi Foundation advances Child Honouring as a universal ethic. An online course in Child Honouring is now offered for parents, educators and policy makers.

“Young Greta is the moral voice of our times,” says Raffi, “urging the world to action on the global climate emergency, the greatest threat to all our lives—a matter of survival.”

Stream “Young People Marching” and “Do We Love Enough?

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Environment/Green Music
Giveaway: New Raffi CD “The Dog on the Floor”

Giveaway: New Raffi CD “The Dog on the Floor”

Posted on July 30, 2018 at 11:04 am

Copyright 2018 Rounder
I’m excited to have a copy of the new Raffi CD “Dog on the Floor” to give away! Send me an email at moviemom@moviemom.com with Raffi in the subject line and tell me your favorite place to go for summer vacation. Don’t forget your address! (US addresses only.) I’ll pick a winner at random on August 10, 2018. Good luck!

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Contests and Giveaways
New from Raffi: Dog on the Floor

New from Raffi: Dog on the Floor

Posted on July 24, 2018 at 8:00 am

Copyright 2018 Rounder
It’s always great news when there’s a new CD from Raffi, the beloved troubadour whose music has delighted families for decades, making him the perennial best-selling children’s entertainer. On July 27, 2018, Raffi’s 25th album will be released, with 15 new songs.

Raffi, who turns 70 this summer, recorded the music in his home, inspired by his dog Luna, who is the subject of three of the new songs. You can see him on tour and follow him on Twitter. He is working towards a September 2018 launch of an online course in Child Honouring-an original philosophy for redesigning society for the greatest good by meeting the universal needs of the very young. He works on behalf of children and their families in a variety of initiatives, including the Center for Partnership Studies, the Center for Children’s Health and the Environment, and the Fraser Mustard Institute for Human Development, and he is the recipient of the Order of Canada and the United Nations’ Earth Achievement Award.

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New CD: Best of Raffi

New CD: Best of Raffi

Posted on January 31, 2017 at 3:49 pm

Copyright 2017 Rounder
Copyright 2017 Rounder
There is nothing better for building happy family memories than singing along with Raffi to classics like “Baby Beluga” and “Down by the Bay.” This collection of Raffi favorites, released February 10, 2017, with the best from 40 years of delighting children and their parents is sure to become a family essential. This is the best there is when it comes to music for families — a must-have for car trips and bedtimes. And with this new release, the kids who grew up with Raffi can share these timeless melodies with their own children.

Raffi will also be on tour, with family concerts in California in late January, Minneapolis and Chicago in April, and Philadelphia and Pittsburgh in May.

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Movie Mom’s Top Picks for Families Music
New Music from Raffi: Owl Singalong

New Music from Raffi: Owl Singalong

Posted on February 3, 2016 at 3:53 pm

Owl Singalong, Raffi’s latest album (now available on CD and digital download) is one of his best. The title song is inspired by the owls that call to each other in his back yard, what he calls “the charming hooo hoo.” You can hear them for yourself at the beginning and end of the song. He’s adapted some classics, too. Now it’s the Dog on the Bus, and the Lion Pokey. I especially loved his version of the classic folk song “Abiyoyo.”


I have a copy to give away! Send me an email at moviemom@moviemom.com with Raffi in the subject line and tell me your favorite children’s song. Don’t forget your address! (US addresses only) I’ll pick a winner at random on February 12, 2016. Good luck!

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Contests and Giveaways Music
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