Academy Originals: The First Film That Made You Laugh, Featuring Daniel Radcliffe, Ralph Fiennes, Lupita Nyong’o and More

Posted on September 9, 2014 at 3:59 pm

I love the Academy Originals series on YouTube.  The latest asks actors, directors, screenwriters, and producers to name the first film that made them laugh.

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Film History For Your Netflix Queue

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Posted on March 13, 2014 at 6:08 pm

Lowest Recommended Age: Mature High Schooler
MPAA Rating: Rated R for language, some sexual content, and violence
Profanity: Strong and crude language
Alcohol/ Drugs: Drinking, drugs
Violence/ Scariness: Murder, wartime violence
Diversity Issues: Diverse characters
Date Released to Theaters: March 8, 2014
Date Released to DVD: June 16, 2014 ASIN: B00JAQJNN0

The_Grand_Budapest_Hotel_3Writer/director Wes Anderson loves precious little worlds and his movies are not just created, they are curated. There’s a reason that this film is named for its location, not its characters or plot. Anderson is the master of “saudade,” the nostalgia for something you never had or that never existed. The Grand Budapest Hotel is as romantically imagined as its name, more vividly realized than any of the human characters in the movie, and we instantly feel the pang of its loss.

We enter through a Sheherezade-ian series of nesting narratives.  A girl visits the grave of a writer, and we go back in time to see that writer (Tom Wilkinson) as an older man, talking about where writers get their stories (from real life), and then back again further as a younger man (Jude Law), actually getting the story in a bleak, bordering on seedy distressed version of the hotel, from an old man named Zero Mustafa (F. Murray Abraham).  And then we go further back in time to see Zero as a young man, a proud lobby boy in the titular edifice, a gorgeously splendid, elegant, and luxurious resort in the mountains of a fictitious European country called Zubrowka, somewhere in the midst of Switzerland, Luxembourg, Austria-Hungary, and the Balkans.  Anderson invites us into the artificiality of the memory within a memory within a story told by a stranger. He does not bother with cinematic tricks to make the hotel look real.  We see it made out of paper, with a paper finicula pulled by a string to bring the guests up the mountain, as though it is part of a puppet show, which, in a way it is.  At times it feels as though it is being put on with the marionettes from the “Lonely Goatherd” number in “The Sound of Music.”  There is no effort to make the actors playing the younger and older versions of characters look alike.  But the detail work is as meticulous as ever, so that must be intentional, and meaningful.

In the era of the Jude Law storyline, the hotel’s inept concierge is M. Jean (Jason Schwartzman).  But, as Zero tells the story, in the heyday of the hotel, the concierge was the legendary M. Gustave (Ralph Fiennes).  A concierge is there to be the all-purpose fixer, finder, and minder, like the entire staff of Downton Abbey in one.  M. Gustave is infinitely attuned to the needs of the hotel’s wealthy, important, often noble (as in duchesses, not heroes), and always demanding clientele.  There is a reason they are always referred to as guests.  And if they require a particularly specialized and personal form of service, he is willing to oblige, even if the guest in question is a titled termagant in her 80’s (an hilariously unrecognizable Tilda Swinton as Madame D.)  Fiennes gives a performance as perfectly precise as his character, whose flawless demeanor evokes exquisite deference, competence, and discretion.  Like Anderson and Anderson’s autobiographical stand-in played by Schwartzman in “Rushmore,” M. Gustave is a showman, and one with an extravagantly grand and very ambitious sense of mise-en-scene.  Early on, we see M. Gustave striding through the hotel lobby, a gracious farewell to a guest on one side, sharp but not unkind directions to staff who are not up to standard on the other. Later, in two intrusions by this story’s version of the Nazis and later, as a prisoner, he responds as though he is in a drawing room comedy.  Fiennes pulls off the tricky balance between farce and drama as the story takes him through murder, art theft, love, war, and delectable pastries.  And he is matched by newcomer Tony Revolori as the young Zero, a refugee who aspires to M. Gustave’s savoir faire, and who becomes first his protege and then his friend. 

As always in a Wes Anderson film, starting with the very first scene of his first movie, “Bottle Rocket,” there is an escape.  M. Gustave is imprisoned, but still strives to maintain an aura of gracious living.  After a rough encounter with another prisoner, he is bruised but airily assures the visiting Zero that they are now dear friends.  He confronts the direst of situations — or tries to — as though they are at the level of an errant lobby boy.  But when he is deprived of his beloved fragrance, L’Air de Panache, he begins to crumble.

The details of the various time periods are, as expected, exquisitely chosen, well worth a second viewing.  Ant it is a bit warmer than Anderson’s previous films, less arch, less removed, softer toward its characters, even tender.  Anderson often makes objects more important than people but in this one, with the painting and the pastry almost character themselves on one side and Zero and his true love Agatha (Saoirse Ronan) still stylized but still heartfelt on the other, they’re getting closer.

Parents should know that this film includes wartime violence, with characters injured and killed, some graphic and disturbing images, strong language, sexual references and an explicit sexual situation.

Family discussion: Did M. Gustave and Zero have the same priorities? What is added to the story by seeing the author and Zero later in their lives?

If you like this, try: “Moonrise Kingdom” and “Rushmore”


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Comedy Crime Drama DVD/Blu-Ray Pick of the Week Epic/Historical Romance Satire War


Posted on May 28, 2012 at 9:00 am

Lowest Recommended Age: High School
MPAA Rating: Rated R for some bloody violence
Profanity: Strong Elizabethan language
Alcohol/ Drugs: Drinking
Violence/ Scariness: Graphic battle violence, characters injured and killed
Diversity Issues: None
Date Released to Theaters: January 13, 2012
Date Released to DVD: May 28, 2012 ASIN: B0059XTUR2

Shakespeare’s play about a Roman general who survives battle only to take on the bigger battles of politics has been brought to screen by Ralph Fiennes, who directed and stars as the title character.  Contemporary costumes and weapons and Serbian locations underscore how little has changed in the 500 years since Shakespeare wrote the play and indeed in the more than 2000 years since the events depicted.

Caius Martius (Fiennes) is a general who returns home in triumph after defeating the Tarquins and rewarded by being given the new surname Coriolanus.  His fierce mother (Vanessa Redgrave in an incendiary performance) is proud and ambitious.  His wife (Jessica Chastain), is quietly devoted.  He calls her “my gracious silence.”  He is persuaded to go into politics, but his public statements come across as arrogant and ignorant.  He sees it as honesty and refusing to pander to the crowd but he is condemned as a traitor and exiled.  Furious, he goes to the other side, first offering to sacrifice himself and then joining forces to attack his own city.  Once again he faces the leader of the opposing forces (Gerard Butler).

Fiennes makes an impressive debut as a director, making good use of the locations to evoke the chaos of a war-torn world and its symbolism for what is most broken and bleakest inside the title character.  Redgrave matches his ferocity, helping us realize a depth of understanding for one of Shakespeare’s few lead tragic characters who never explains himself with asides or monologues.  Butler, as the antagonist who understands Coriolanus better than his family, his colleagues, and the political operators who want to use him, is the cracked mirror who provides the insight that Coriolanus fails to have for himself.  The single-mindedness and lack of introspection that served him — and Rome — so well as a general leave him defenseless when the war is over.

Parents should know that this film includes bloody battle violence with characters injured and killed.

Family discussion: What leaders in today’s world are most like Coriolanus?  Like those who encourage him to try politics?

If you like this, try: “Looking for Richard,” with Al Pacino working on a production of “Richard III.”


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Action/Adventure Based on a play DVD/Blu-Ray Pick of the Week War

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2

Posted on July 14, 2011 at 8:00 am

Before I tell you about this film and about how much I liked it, I want to say thank you to J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers for the care and devotion they gave to this extraordinary story.  On the page and on the screen, this tale of The Boy Who Lived, from sleeping in a closet under the stairs and his first days at Hogwarts to the final confrontation with He Who Must Not Be Named (or perhaps He Who Must Be Named to be Confronted), it has been genuinely thrilling, deeply moving, and thoroughly satisfying.

There has never been and may never be again a story so electrifying over so many pages that has been so devotedly and expertly translated to the screen, with, remarkably, the same cast throughout (with the exception of the original Dumbledore, the late Richard Harris) to preserve our sense of seamless immersion in its world.  Those of us lucky enough to start at the beginning and follow from the publication of the first book in 1998 (1997 in the UK) can measure our own passage of time against the characters’ as Harry, Hermione, Ron, and the rest grew up with never a false step or disappointment to speak of.  The world of Harry Potter puts its surprises in a world that is completely believable because it is so thoroughly imagined.  Perhaps the movies’ greatest achievement is in matching the visual detail to not just the descriptions in the books but to the narrative richness of a fully-realized world.  Even the 3D glasses are Harry-fied.

And now, eight movies later, it takes us back to where it all began.  Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) is The Boy Who Lived.  He was just a baby when his parents were killed protecting him from the Dark Lord known as Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) to those brave enough to whisper his name.  Most just call him He Who Must Not Be Named or try not to mention him at all.  For seven movies, Voldemort has been getting stronger as Harry has been getting older.  Now it is time for them to face each other.

The parallels between them are strong.  They both have the rare gift of parseltongue, the ability to understand the language of snakes.  The wand that chose Harry was the twin of the one used by Voldemort.  In this last chapter, Harry finds out that they share more than he knew and that defeating Voldemort will require him to be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

As we learned in the last chapter, in a sense Voldemort has to be killed seven times.  To make himself immortal, he has taken pieces of his soul and placed them in seven different objects, each well hidden and well protected.  As this film begins, Harry, Hermione (Emma Watson), and Ron (Rupert Grint) have made some progress but the most difficult are still ahead.  The separation of the soul itself is, for want of a better word, de-humanizing, and as a result of this dis-intigration Voldemort is disfigured inside and out, adding to his ruthlessness and power.

Part of the wonder of the books is the way small details that seemed merely deliciously atmospheric in earlier chapters turn out to be essential foundation for what comes now.  We learned early in book one that the most impenetrable place on earth was the Gringott’s bank, run by goblins (those of a certain age might remember Jack Benny’s bank which was similarly, if more humorously, secure).  Well, now our heroes have to break into the bank’s vaults and how will they do it?

The use of polyjuice potion is another reference to the first book, then an impetuous adventure, now deadly serious.  Helena Bonham-Carter’s palpable pleasure in playing the deranged and evil Bellatrix Lestrange (Rowling has a Dickensian way with names) in the previous films benefits from too many years confined (literally) to corseted tea party roles.  It is Bellatrix’s vault they must enter, and so here, Bonham-Carter has to turn herself inside out, playing Hermione disguised as Bellatrix.   The balance of tension and comedy is exquisitely nerve-wracking.

Again and again, Rowling brings the story back to its origins and so after a movie away from school we return to Hogwarts, where the great battle begins.  The more we remember of what we have seen so far, the deeper our understanding, whether it is the satisfaction of seeing something come together we have waited for or the surprise of seeing someone exceed our expectations by being more than we or even they thought possible.  Everyone grows up, and we grow along with them.

Director David Yates moves the story smoothly into 3D, though you won’t miss much if you stick with the 2D version.  The battle scenes are well staged and the pacing is excellent.  If the final chapter got an unexpected and distracting laugh from the audience, it is a small problem in light of the grand sweep of a thoroughly enthralling epic, seamlessly organic, exciting, romantic, funny, and smart, one of the great cinematic achievements of the studio system.  Well done, Harry, and a thousand points to Gryffindor.




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3D Action/Adventure Based on a book Fantasy Series/Sequel
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