Arctic Tale

Posted on December 3, 2007 at 9:51 pm

Lowest Recommended Age: 4th - 6th Grades
MPAA Rating: G
Profanity: None
Alcohol/ Drugs: None
Violence/ Scariness: Nature-style violence, some graphic footage of animals killing and eating each other, some disturbing images of the effects of climate change
Diversity Issues: Diverse species
Date Released to Theaters: July 30, 2007
Date Released to DVD: December 4, 2007 ASIN: B000WZAE0O

The people behind “March of the Penguins” have put together another endearing story of life in the coldest place on earth. This time, it is the story of two newborns, a polar bear called Nanu and a walrus named Seela. “What seems forbidding to us is home to them,” says narrator Queen Latifah, whose affectionate tone brings warmth to the frozen landscape. The story is not as linear or involving as “Penguins,” and it is overcast with more forboding, as the effects of climate change pose a greater threat to these new lives than temperature or predators.


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Documentary Genre , Themes, and Features Movies -- format Reviews

The Most Heartwarming and Inspiring Film of the Holiday Season

Posted on November 16, 2007 at 9:58 pm

Filmmaker Jennifer Crandall has created a charming series of short autobiographical videos featuring everyday people talking about their lives, experiences, and lessons learned. Participants of all ages and backgrounds have spoken about friends, families, vocations and avocations. Participants have included a transplanted refugee from Katrina, a nun, a boy with Down Syndome and his mother, a waitress, a lawyer, a teenage girl, a transgendered woman, a man recovering from amnesia, an Islamic former beauty pagent contestant — each one is utterly captivating and transcendant.
This very brief interview with African immigrant Edward Fahbulleh is one of the best. I love its title: On Being Rich.
I love them all, but my all-time favorite is Jessica Tibbits. Each one is just a few moments, but each is unforgettable.

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Reviews Shorts

Best Video Clips: Singing complaints

Posted on November 13, 2007 at 1:10 pm

Two hilarious You Tube hits put complaints to music.

Complaints Choirs started in Birmingham, England and are popping up all over the world. Here, the Helsinki Complaints Choir combines the universal and the very particular in a hilarious and harmonic tribute to the things that drive people crazy:

(Thanks to Salon’s Broadsheet for the tip.)

And Anita Renfroe became a media sensation with this tribute to mothers set to the tune of the “William Tell Overture” — any mom who has not said everything on this list deserves a whole day without a carpool:

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Comedy Musical Reviews Shorts
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