HIMYM Billboard Hijacked by New Ads

Posted on July 16, 2011 at 8:00 am

I really like “How I Met Your Mother,” and am delighted that older episodes are running in syndication.  But it is jarring to see that background shots have been updated to insert new advertising material.  NPR’s Monkey See blog reports that a billboard in one of the episodes has been digitally altered to insert an ad for the new (and awful) movie, Zookeeper. Marc Hirsh writes

The general practice isn’t new, but there’s something about this particular example that’s especially irksome, and not just because it’s been done in the service of a Kevin James talking-gorilla movie.

He points out that this is particularly annoying in the context of HIMYM, which is always so explicitly time-specific.

More than most sitcoms, Mother has a rather explicit time frame. How explicit? Well, the very first line of the episode is, “Kids, in the spring of 2007…” So it’s not an ideal candidate to layer in an advertisement for a movie released in July 2011, is what I’m saying.

I understand that advertisers are frustrated because audiences skip commercials by clicking the channel or fast-forwarding on TIVO.  But the answer can’t be intrusive ads and product placement that distract us from the story, especially retroactively.

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Advertising Television

All My Children and One Life to Live to Continue — On the Web

Posted on July 8, 2011 at 8:17 am

ABC is going to license its cancelled soap operas, “One Life to Live” and “All My Children,” to continue on the web!  Prospect Park, co-founded by a former Disney executive, will continue both shows and promises the same length and quality.  They are meeting with the actors, advertisers, and others involved with the series to try to keep as much continuity as possible.

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Internet, Gaming, Podcasts, and Apps Television

Great Character Actors: Denis O’Hare

Posted on July 7, 2011 at 3:05 pm

I love character actors, those utility infielders who have to create a complete character in seconds and hold a scene opposite a superstar.   They’re the ones who always seem vaguely familiar but are so chameleon-like that we never quite place them.

One of my favorites is the astoundingly versatile Denis O’Hare, who seems to be in everything these days.  He’s a testy judge in “The Good Wife” and the vampire King of Mississippi in “True Blood” (very mature material).  He has played officious bureaucrats in “The Proposal” (watch the closing credit outtakes) and “Charlie Wilson’s War” and a singing, dancing prince in “Once Upon a Mattress.”  He has appeared in “Brothers and Sisters” and “CSI: Miami.”  It is a pleasure to be able to pay tribute to such a versatile performer.

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Actors Great Characters Television
Closed Captioning Urged for Online Series

Closed Captioning Urged for Online Series

Posted on July 7, 2011 at 8:00 am

As more original content is being created for the web, deaf and hard of hearing audiences are urging producers to include closed captions. The Washington Post reports:

Last year, President Obama signed into law the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act, requiring that captioned television shows must be captioned online. But there’s a loophole: The law does not require original online programming to be captioned.

The story reports on grass roots efforts to persuade producers and distributors of online content to include closed captions through social media and some lawsuits against Time Warner and Netflix, charging discrimination.  There is a petition calling on Netflix to improve and expand their closed captioning and search functions.

My dad, Newton Minow, was one of those who fought for closed captioning of television shows, in part because his older brother was hard of hearing but mostly because he has always worked for choice and accessibility.  The networks objected for years.  But once forced to comply, it turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to them because the captions are what make it possible for TIVO and DVRs to find the shows they record.

Earlier this year, Regal and Cinemark made a commitment to full captioning in their movie theaters by the end of 2012.  Netflix and the producers of web series should do the same.

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Commentary Internet, Gaming, Podcasts, and Apps Television
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